We're going through a difficult period right now. In 2020, the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius marked the transition to the Age of Aquarius. There has been a shift in the Earth's rotational axis, what is known as
precession. A cycle of slightly less than 26,000 years is divided into 12 parts, corresponding to 12 astrological epochs, with each epoch corresponding to the 12 signs of the zodiac. These astrological Ages can last anywhere between 2,000 and 2,160 years. The Age of Pisces began about 2000 years ago, around the same time that Christianity was born. Interestingly, one of the earliest symbols of the new religion was Ichthys – The Fish. The dawning of this epoch brought with it tremendous social, climatic, and behavioral changes – and change is always a complicated process. The crises that we see today are related to this same phenomenon. While most years never have more than four eclipses, there were six in 2020 alone. More eclipses occur in years that determine the course of events for the years that follow. I
wrote about this in my forecast for 2020. I am including general forecasts for the upcoming year in a series of books entitled,
Complete Horoscope 2023, which you can see on my
site and on other media. It's safe to say that this next year will have no shortage of significant events.