Have you ever wondered what it is like to be able to forecast the future? This is precisely what a professional astrologer does every day of their working life. People turn to astrology for different reasons, sometimes out of curiosity, even for fun, but most people discover astrology when they do not know where else to turn, and then they find themselves entrusting the astrologer with their most personal problems and most intimate secrets. The astrologer who usually knows nothing about the client beforehand must rely solely on the principles of the ancient art and the position of the planets to guide them.
An Astrologer's Notes: Real-life stories on how the stars shape our lives
"Having dabbled in astrology myself, I was fascinated by your book and how a good astrologer works. I loved the stories that illustrated how astrology can guide a person's life, though I was happy to see that you warn against having astrology dictate your life. I appreciated how you say that we are responsible for our own choices and that astrology can only go so far to help a person on their path. The writing was very down to earth and easy to follow. It had a quality to it that made it seem as though I wasn't so much reading the book, but having a conversation with you. I also liked the fact that you're very honest about the fact that you're not the all-seeing oracle. You've made mistakes in interpretation, which I thought was very refreshing to read. The stories you chose to tell were immensely interesting and were so different from each other that it held my attention.... terrific and interesting read."

Judge, 28th Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published Book Awards
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