Article I 17.09.2024
2025 Astrological forecast:
A Year of Challenges and Opportunities
The article is an excerpt from the book Complete Horoscope 2025
The year 2025 will continue the challenging period that began in 2020 with the onset of the Age of Aquarius, as I mentioned in my 2020 forecast. The year can be roughly divided into two very different phases. The first half of 2025 will be marked by instability, struggles, and crises, both economically and politically. However, the second half of the year promises to be more positive and stable, with many problems gradually being resolved, the economy beginning to recover, and political issues starting to be addressed.

Starting in January, Jupiter, the most powerful planet in our solar system, will be in the sign of Gemini and will form several unfavorable aspects with Saturn during the first half of the year. Jupiter symbolizes new trends, while Saturn represents outdated state and economic systems. Their conflict signifies a battle between the old and the new. The old system has run its course and must give way to the new. However, obsolete political and economic structures rarely surrender without a fight, leading to fierce confrontations worldwide. This struggle is not confined to politics—new, often revolutionary trends will impact many areas of life. In 2025, we will witness changes in the political landscape of most countries, as well as in the lives of many individuals. Old politicians will be replaced by new ones, a process that will benefit the world as a whole.

The most challenging months of 2025 will be January, February, and March, when the conflict between Jupiter and Saturn will be compounded by retrograde Mars, moving backward from December 6, 2024, to February 24, 2025. This could lead to unrest in many regions, particularly in England, the USA, and EU countries. We can expect large-scale demonstrations, political strife, and conflicts rooted in religious differences. These trends may begin as early as November-December 2024 and continue into the first months of 2025. During this same period, military conflicts in global hotspots may reach a critical phase.

However, from mid-March to June, a period of realization and stabilization will emerge—politicians and society will start to recognize the need for change. The second half of the year will be more favorable: although changes won't happen overnight and not in every area, the situation will begin to stabilize and improve.

I would like to note that from 2021 to 2030, many planetary alignments will mirror those of the 1940s and 1950s, a time that profoundly changed the world.
In the first half of 2025, the economic situation is expected to deteriorate significantly. A large-scale financial crisis that may have already started in the second half of 2024 is likely to continue, affecting all countries worldwide. The second half of 2025, however, is expected to be much calmer, with the gradual recovery of the global economy from the crisis.

China will continue to be one of the world's economic leaders, with its influence on global processes growing noticeably. Domestically, the popularity of Chinese leader Xi Jinping will increase. However, the economic rivalry between the United States, Europe, and China will intensify, with China continuing to outmaneuver its competitors in the trade war.

India is set to undergo a year of restructuring. Measures will be taken to optimize the economy, and construction efforts will ramp up, yielding tangible results within two years, propelling the country into the future. Over the next three years, India will make significant strides in addressing issues such as poverty, and by 2030, it is expected to become one of the world's leading economies.

In the second half of 2025, businesses related to agriculture and food production will experience significant growth. Those involved in the dairy industry are particularly likely to achieve notable success.
United States
The United States will continue to face internal divisions. Pluto periodically returns to its position in the natal chart of the United States, a planet that is highly significant for the country as it governs the financial state and moral outlook of the population. Pluto symbolizes purification and renewal, but before it renews a system, it first destroys the old one. The 2024 elections will occur during a very tense time. In 2024, transiting Uranus will enter Gemini in the U.S. chart, and by 2027, it will occupy the same position it held during the Civil War. This suggests that societal polarization will deepen.

The 2024 presidential election in the United States will be extremely challenging. As I predicted in last year's forecast, Biden has exited the race: 'It is hard to imagine Joe Biden hanging onto the presidency. He will leave. I believe that Donald Trump will win, as Kamala Harris's horoscope appears weaker. This victory will lead to internal divisions within the country. (I am writing this prediction in July 2024, before my book is published, so the election results are still unknown.) However, I want to emphasize that the election period will be difficult for Trump as well, with many unpleasant surprises.

In 2025, the United States will continue to lose its standing on the international stage. The trend of weakening influence will become increasingly apparent and is likely to persist. This decline could result from failures on many fronts, where the resources to maintain the role of global hegemon are insufficient, and opponents will exploit this weakness.
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom will need to take decisive measures to stabilize its economy. Divergent opinions within the ruling circles may intensify the struggle between political parties, creating additional tension in society. A surge in public dissatisfaction, driven by the current political direction of the country, is also possible. However, thanks to Jupiter, the planet of luck, which will be in the financial sector of the UK's horoscope, significant progress in overcoming accumulated economic problems is expected in 2025.

The horoscope of the United Kingdom is based on several key dates. If we consider the founding date of the United Kingdom—January 1, 1801, when the union of Great Britain and Ireland took place—then in the next five years, we might see trends toward the disintegration of the United Kingdom.
European Union
The political and economic situation in Germany and France will be the most challenging within the European Union. Germany is still going through one of the most difficult periods, known as Sade Sati in Indian astrology. For Germany, this period primarily signifies economic decline and internal political strife. Conflicts based on national and religious grounds are also possible. This difficult period began in 2022 and will last for another 2-3 years.

Emmanuel Macron and his party will lose their position in France. However, even under Marine Le Pen's party in 2025 and 2026, neither prosperity nor even stabilization of the internal situation can be expected. External forces may actively hinder these developments. The economic situation in Italy also remains weak.
As I predicted in 2024, Putin remained in power after the presidential elections in Russia and began reshuffling the government.

In the first half of 2025, significant military conflicts are expected in Russia, which may involve countries beyond Ukraine, possibly including Europe and the United States. The Russian leadership will continue to change many people responsible for the country's economic and political development.

The West will continue to pressure Russia. The escalation of the conflict in Ukraine will continue in the first half of 2025, potentially reaching a more alarming level. Since this prediction is being written in the summer of 2024, it is possible to foresee that in the summer and fall of 2024, as well as in the winter of 2025, direct confrontation between Russia and NATO is not out of the question. The situation could become critical. However, a large-scale war could be prevented by factors unrelated to Ukraine, such as internal political struggles in Europe and the United States or major natural disasters affecting many regions worldwide, including the United States. It is possible that both scenarios could occur.

For Putin, the first half of 2025 will be extremely challenging due to unprecedented confrontation with the West. However, by spring 2025, it will become clear that defeating Russia on the battlefield is impossible. In the second half of 2025, Ukraine will be forced to cede Russian-speaking territories to Russia, and negotiations will proceed on terms set by Russia. These negotiations may continue into the first half of 2026.

Negotiations may also take place before this time, but without real results. The West will continue to demand territorial concessions and intensify sanctions and economic pressure, but this will not change the situation on the ground. Ultimately, some territories will be ceded to Russia, and this process may not always be peaceful.

Overall, the second half of 2025 will be more stable for Russia than the first. It will be a relatively good time for the country. Sanctions will, of course, remain, but events will slowly but surely begin to unfold in favor of the Russian Federation as the influence of the United States weakens under the pressure of its political and economic problems.

National policy in the Russian Federation will change, possibly necessitating the adoption of strict laws related to migration. This may occur due to terrorist attacks. December 2024, January, and February 2025 are particularly challenging in this regard.
It appears that by 2025, Zelensky may no longer be in Ukraine. What exactly will happen to him is difficult to say, but his situation will be extremely challenging. The period from December 2024 to February 2025 is particularly critical for him. It's hard to predict his fate, but he may be forced to flee the country due to numerous accusations, both from within Ukraine and from international sponsors.

In 2025, Poland may openly assert its claim over Lviv and other western territories, potentially deploying troops to these areas. My forecast suggests that Ukraine will be divided into spheres of influence, and I believe this division could begin as early as 2025. Hungary might claim Transcarpathia, possibly through a voluntary process like a referendum.

In the eastern territories that Russia has captured, the country will continue significant restoration efforts, rebuilding cities and infrastructure.
Middle East
As I predicted in my 2024 forecast, this year saw the outbreak of war in the Middle East. The situation in the Middle East, as well as in other "hot spots" around the world, is likely to escalate further. In the second half of 2024 and the first half of 2025, real conflicts may occur, not only along Israel's borders but also involving other countries. My prediction is that a ceasefire or peace agreement will be reached closer to the second half of 2025, but only after the situation reaches a critical point. In other words, things will get worse before they get better.
With Pluto entering the sign of Aquarius, which happened last year in 2023, various innovative technologies, neural networks, and artificial intelligence have gained significant momentum. It's worth noting that Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, which is associated with progress and unexpected changes, and artificial intelligence can be seen as one expression of this energy. We are also witnessing significant transformations in finance—mobile applications and electronic currencies are becoming increasingly widespread. Since Pluto will remain in Aquarius for about 20 years, the world will undergo profound changes during this period, and 2024–2025 will bring many unexpected technological breakthroughs. Naturally, this will impact space exploration, and we can expect significant advancements in this field in the coming years, potentially revealing much more about life beyond our planet.
The weather in 2025 will continue to deliver unpleasant surprises. In regions that have already suffered from floods, there is a likelihood of similar situations recurring, but on an even larger scale.

In the spring and summer of 2025, major wildfires are expected, so it’s wise to prepare in advance. Saturn and Neptune will be in the fire sign of Aries throughout the summer, leading to an increase in the scale of fires compared to previous years.

In seismically active areas of the planet, earthquakes are possible.
When it comes to people’s lives, it can be said that the challenging planetary alignments in the first half of 2025 will affect everyone. How these aspects will manifest depends on individual horoscopes. For some, it could mean divorce; for others, professional troubles—each person will experience something unique.

The second half of 2025 looks more stable from an astrological perspective. The planets will calm down, and life will gradually return to normal. The second half of 2025 is a good time for marriage, childbirth, and acquiring property. People will begin to return to a proper understanding of family values, taking more care of their parents and elder family members.
In terms of health, the first half of 2025 could also bring several unpleasant surprises. Infections related to respiratory issues may reappear, as well as neurological disorders that could be difficult to diagnose. Those with chronic leg conditions may also face various flare-ups. Summer 2025 could bring exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases, migraines, and strokes. So take care of yourself if you have any predispositions to these conditions.

The second half of the year will bring new advancements—significant progress in technologies related to cancer treatment and various tumor diseases is expected.
During this period, people may become more concerned with various diets, leading to an increase in the production of organic foods, which will become more sought after.
In the first half of 2025, fashion will be dominated by youthful trends and extravagant outfits. There may be some chaos, with a mix of styles that were once considered incompatible.

Since Jupiter is in the air sign of Gemini, lightweight, transparent fabrics, mesh, chiffon, and comfortable knitwear will be in demand. Colors will range from greenish-gray and bluish-gray to soft pastel shades.

In the second half of the year, as Jupiter moves into the sign of Cancer and forms a friendly aspect with Saturn, a return to classic styles is expected. Leather in various forms will become popular again, and denim will see a resurgence in various styles. Colors will include all shades of blue, black, and gray.
In the first half of 2025, I would not recommend long-distance travel or making important decisions regarding relocation. In this regard, the second half of the year will be more successful.
For more detailed information, check out my forecast for the zodiac signs.

Good luck in 2025!

Astrologer Tatiana Borsch
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