2020-12-01 20:00 Blog

Horoscope for 01.12.2020

Today and tomorrow are the Full moon days, which this time coincides with the lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses always coincide with the Full Moon, and solar eclipses - with the New Moon. Eclipses do not mean something wrong, as is often believed. They activate various events, make people take some important steps. For example, buying real estate, changing jobs, parting with relationships that have already exhausted themselves. The eclipse will occur on the Aldebaran-Antares axis. This axis is also called the axis of catastrophes, but this is more related to political events, as well as natural phenomena. The signs of Gemini-Sagittarius are involved, therefore it is these signs that can feel its influence more than others. However, if the eclipses do not affect important points on your personal horoscope, then you can feel them like an ordinary full moon. And on a full moon, emotions usually go off the scale, so be more careful while driving, keep your mouth closed so as not to blunder out something, and in general, be more careful.