
Weekly astrological update and horoscope: 1-7 March 2021

The coming week will pass in the light of the waning Moon and will be quite peaceful and calm. Its most difficult days will be Tuesday evening, Wednesday, and the first half of Thursday, when the Moon in the rebellious Scorpio can cause deterioration of health and mood swings. Good days in all respects are Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. For haircuts and any cosmetic procedures Monday, Tuesday and Sunday are good. However please note that, in general, the current period is quite difficult, especially for health. The signs of Fire are under attack - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Stars recommend them to be more attentive to themselves until March 21!

Aries in the first days of the week will meet with friends and solve some professional problems. Wednesday and Thursday are not particularly successful, there may be a deterioration in well-being, complex emotional states, which you'd better not direct on anyone. However, these same days are best in terms of money for this week. The period from Friday to Sunday is very active, meetings of the professional nature and expect a successful solution to some professional problems

On Monday, Tuesday Taurus can count on some money, as well as on the support of colleagues. But it is better to be more careful with the mighties of the world on Wednesday, Thursday, to avoid problems. Friday and Saturday are rather neutral, you may devote these days to yourself, health, home and family. On Sunday news may come from afar or you can make a trip

In the first days of the week, Gemini will deal with pleasant and nice people, and will also spend a decent amount on entertainment. Wednesday and Thursday are difficult working days, you have to work with documents and solve problems with colleagues from afar. However, there is a good chance of getting some money. Friday and Saturday will bring news and meetings, mostly pleasant ones. The weekend is calm - you can devote it to yourself or your household.

In the first days of the week, Cancer can deal with household and family affairs, as well as with real estate issues. On Wednesday, Thursday you can get attend a pleasant company and have a good time. Some money will come on Friday or Saturday; Sunday will be spent outside or on a nice trip

Leo on Monday, Tuesday will receive good news from afar and meet with colleagues or business partners. Wednesday and Thursday may bring deterioration of health and family problems. However, these days you can count on some money. Meetings with children and loved ones are possible on Friday and Saturday. Sunday will have to be devoted to work

Virgo on Monday, Tuesday can count on money and a good shift in a new business. Wednesday and Thursday may bring bad news from afar, also be careful while driving! Thursday and Friday are calm, but not very productive. Many will devote these days to home and family. And on Sunday, you can go out or have a fun party

Libra on Monday, Tuesday can significantly move their affairs forward, both at work and in personal life. Pleasant events will be associated with children. Decent money will come on Wednesday, Thursday, but might be immediately spent on the needs of the house and family. At the end of the week, you can go on a trip, those who'd stay at home will receive news from afar or meet guests - most likely, colleagues or business partners

Scorpio will spend Monday, Tuesday solving family and domestic problems. If there was a quarrel before, you can expect a truce. Wednesday and Thursday are very emotional, but the stars do not recommend stepping on the same rake again. The money will come on Friday or Saturday. And the day off will be held in a close family circle

Sagittarius on Monday, Tuesday will meet friends or receive all kinds of help from them. Wednesday and Thursday may again bring a significant deterioration in well-being, so do not strain and behave more modestly. Friday and Saturday are moderately good. You can expect money or gifts on Sunday

Capricorn will have a great Monday and Tuesday. Money will come and you may brilliantly solve important professional tasks. Wednesday and Thursday are quite conflicting days try to control emotions and not speak bluntly. Friday, Saturday and Sunday are good for personal meetings, these are very peaceful days. You can also find time for yourself and your loved ones

Aquarius will be on a roll throughout the week! Some of the enemies will suddenly change their point of view. And in the first half of the week, you may receive praise from the bosses, and promotions at work are possible. Friday and Saturday will be spent in the company of friends, and Sunday is worth fully dedicating yourself

Pisces this week would be able to move mountains! On Monday, Tuesday, you should not set faculties on the rack - some assistants can do everything you need. Wednesday and Thursday are good for friendly gatherings. You can expect decent money and great gifts on Friday and Saturday. Sunday will be spent in a fun campaign of old and new friends

Have a lucky week!