Now switching over to some targeted questions on current events. In the first half of 2020, the world was gripped by the coronavirus emergency. What are your predictions for how the pandemic will shape the rest of the year and beyond?
Without a doubt, 2020 is a difficult year. We will have 6 eclipses, and many planets will be in retrograde, which has the effect of passing each other a negative baton, as it were. We cannot change our future, but we can prepare for what awaits, and this is very important. 2020 and 2021 are a transition period, when all problems will come to a head. This applies to both political events and each person's individual life.
I expect that the fall and winter will also be difficult times, and we will see more instability. Many countries around the world will continue to see shocks, along with more outbreaks of disease, demonstrations, and revolutionary sentiments.
We are living in an unusual time, when everything that seemed stable before no longer is. The transition to the Age of Aquarius, which will begin following the first conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the air sign, in Aquarius, on December 25, 2020. As we see, this is reflected not only in the coronavirus pandemic. Our world is changing before our very eyes – in technology, the growth of civil social activism worldwide, and conflict on the international stage, and even in nature itself!
The Age of Aquarius is extremely long, lasting 2,160 years. It is defined by a transition of the Earth's axis from one Zodiac sign or another. Preparing for this new age takes several decades, but 2020 is the last year of the outgoing Age of Pisces, and 2021 is the first year of the Age of Aquarius.
A new era always involves global shocks, crises of civilizations, economic and cultural revolutions, and a new perspective on religious teachings. The climate also undergoes significant changes worldwide.
During the second half of 2020 and 2021, we will bear witness to changes in all of these areas.
We will see more international confrontations, worsening trade wars, and maybe even the use of force deployed in global hotspots.
Overall, I predict relations will become marginalized, and people will be divided into friends or foes. This will affect international relations, as well as families, where we can expect eternal generational conflict to play out. In dysfunctional families, this may translate into breakdowns and divorce.
In business and at work, steel yourself for conflicts with partners and colleagues. You may see old legal problems rear their heads again, or difficulties when it comes to auditing agencies.
Nature will not be showing its best side, either. Draughts and fires are highly likely, as is flooding damage in coastal areas.
I don't want to leave you with the impression that we are facing Armageddon – quite the contrary. This year and next we will see the birth of a new world. The process of birth is always a difficult and painful one. A mother's body undergoes significant changes, but once it is over, there is no greater joy! This is what is happening, now. I am certain that once this difficult transition period is over, we can expect a wonderful future ahead!